Alvin has been teaching English Literature at Chung-Deh for 16 years.
Rien ne pèse tant que un secret.
Nothing weighs more than a secret.
-Jean de La Fontaine (拉楓丹
法國寓言作家; 1621-1695)
They met at the secret spot where they first encountered.
She wished to kiss him, but reached to curl her fingers around his instead.
Twelve A.M. sharp, he headed toward his vehicle without looking back.
She watched from afield as he ignited the engine.
Going, going, gone…
A fallen meteor had found its way home.
55 words to the number. Sharp!
The man phoned to his love.
She cried out and said,"help me Dick."
Dick drove fast to his home.
However,he was locked outside from the door.
The last horrible scream...
The man opened the door and said,"I couldn't wait for you anymore."
Dear Gloria,
Er...not quite sure about the punch line, but nice try.
Snow White woke up by Charming Prince's kiss.
They got married.
Henceforth,they had a happiness life.
But one day, Charming Prince asks Snow White a confused question:
"Can you explain why our son is such a dwarf?"
Dear Kennie,
A few things to share--
1. "Prince Charming"
2. "to live happily ever after"
3. "a confusing question"
4. The story is very naughty, and yet very good.
Though many years have passed, she still thinks about Vincent.
About his gloomy moods, unhealthy eating habits, and brilliant jokes.
Because of him, she is into everything that's Dutch.
She looks into his eyes and asks:
"Do you know why I like you so much?"
"No. And I don't want to know."
John knows.
Good story. The last line, though, is punchy enough, but not revealing enough.
"All is over." Anne, said.
"Why, I love you. Please don't leave me." Dick yelled.
"I have acquianted with a doctor, I will go to Gaoxiong with him."
After Anne went to Gaoxiong, he sent a box of apples to her. One mouth later she came back to him. His friend asked him "What happened"?
He laughed and said, "An apple a day keeps doctor away. Regina
The racer camel is diarrhea serious now.
The owner forgot to be strictly on guard against that the contenders feed apples for his camel in the daybreak.
Apple is not the food for camel.
Now the camel can not take part in a camel race.
“Merciless communist, murder is your middle name.” said the furious wife.
“Your husband invaded our homeland security,” said the Chinese government officer.
“Taking pictures is his job, he is a journalist! There was no sign stating No Photos.”
“Yes, there was one, see: YOU SHOOT, I SHOOT!”
(Sorry! I did not see your requirements 不抒情、有驚奇、有故事性 until the day I was ready to post my first story. I found the second “shooting” story is quit disappointed, but I could not come out anything more dramatic, any suggestions?
Could you please take a look my first story although is too 抒情, but I like the “honey & chocolate” better!
By the way, the fresh and elegance back ground color of your web site is amazing; it’s really an artistic choice.)
Rita 2
Honey & Chocolate
“Honey, I realized there are only two things in my life matters” said the wife.
“Credit card and Chanel?” the husband relied.
“No, YOU and CHOCOLATE. Amazing, I found the similarities of you two: both multiply my happiness, share the important moments of my life.”
“Oh! Because I’m full of sweetness!”
“Yes! And full of NUTS! ”
“ It’s not fair ! They fantasize you more. “ Wish said."Jump out of that box and come to the reality. Make no more fantasy to the people.”
“ I don’t want to leave here ! I might bite. I’ll lose my dignity. Besides, I’ve already got something there to make me a wonder.” Hope replied.
“ ? “
“ You, Wish. “
A man was waiting for a woman at the bus stop.
One bus past, and she did not come. The man said to himself" Will she come?"
Ten buses past,and she still not come.Again the man said to himself "will she come"
Finally the man stick a note on the bus stop.
It said,"I know you won't come,I am not going to wait for you any more, I am going to heaven."
And then he left.
A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhh!!!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhh!!!"
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
P.S sorry it's kind of long!
Damien brought his new girlfriend to a posh restaurant for a romantic dinner.
First date. He needs to impress her.
She smiled contentedly throughout the meal.
Soon it's time to go.
Damien reached into his pockets.
His face flushed.
Seeing his reddened face, she looked away shyly, whispering " I... I love you too."
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