Alvin has been teaching English Literature at Chung-Deh for 16 years.
Rien ne pèse tant que un secret.
Nothing weighs more than a secret.
-Jean de La Fontaine (拉楓丹
法國寓言作家; 1621-1695)
I hope it does not affect the atmosphere of Chinese New Year, but allow me to post three questions related to the god for Week 7 (3/22). The feature deity is, yes, Hades.
Question 1: Who was Hades’ wife?
Answer: Persephone.
(I can tell you because I am able.)
Question 2: Studies show that the underworld in Greek mythology largely reflected the conception of ancient Greeks about afterlife. Please briefly describe the underworld under the Hades administration.
Sample Answer: The underworld, also called Hades, was vaguely composed of two divisions: Erebus and Tartarus. The former functioned as the lobby; the latter, prisons. Three-headed and dragon-tailed Cerberus was the watchdog. The underworld lacked light and joy. It was populated by shadowy figures, or ghosts. Countless visitors crowded the gloomy palace of Hades, which was surrounded by wastelands. Later mythology mentioned that in the underworld, the righteous souls received their rewards and the unrighteous ones, punishment.
(Source: the textbook and Encarta Encyclopedia)
Question 3: Hades was also known as Pluto, a name whose meaning originated in wealth. From the same origin come such words as plutocracy. Please explain why Hades was related to wealth.
Sample Answer: Precious metals were usually hidden below ground; therefore, ancient Greeks believed that the metals came from the underworld governed by Hades. The same reason applied to crops that grew out of the earth.
(Source: the textbook and Encarta Encyclopedia)
Week 8 (3/29)
The first deity: Hestia
Question 1: Which of the principal Olympian gods had the most contact with humans?
Answer: Hestia.
Question 2: Hestia was the goddess of the hearth. Please briefly describe the relationship between Hestia and an average household in ancient Greece.
Sample Answer: Being the goddess of the hearth, Hestia presided over altar fires at a home. At the beginning and the end of meals, ancient Greeks offered prayers and sweet wine to Hestia. In addition, a newborn infant had to be carried around Hestia as the way of acceptance into the family.
(Source: the textbook and Encarta Encyclopedia)
Question 3: How was Hestia related to the civic life of ancient Greeks?
Sample Answer: Hestia presided over fires at sacrificial altars in public. In most cities of ancient Greece, a common hearth was built with unceasing fires in her honor. And once a new colony was established, coals from the common hearth of the home city would be transported to that of the new colony for ignition.
(Source: the textbook and Encarta Encyclopedia)
Week 8 (3/29)
The second deity: Dionysus
Question 1: Drama, one of the pillars of western literature, was invented by ancient Greeks. To which deity did they originally dedicate their dramatic performance?
Answer: Dionysus.
Question 2: According to Edith Hamilton, why was the resurrection of Dionysus so significant?
Sample Answer: The annual resurrection of Dionysus assured believers that death was not the end, and that soul was actually immortal. Unlike Persephone, Dionysus rose from the dead with little trace of the underworld. And by rescuing his mother Semele from the underworld, Dionysus even demonstrated that life was stronger than death.
(Source: the textbook)
Question 3: Dionysus was both beneficent and maleficent. Please explain why Dionysus had this dual nature.
Sample Answer: Dionysus was the god of wine. He had dual nature because wine has dual nature. On the positive side, wine can bring happiness. It helps to grow courage. Wine was also believed to have inspired dramatic writing and performance. On the negative side, wine can lead to alcoholic indulgence. When intoxicated, people may commit brutal acts. The orgiastic worship of maenads toward Dionysus was an example of such an influence.
(Source: the textbook and Encarta Encyclopedia)
Week 8 (3/29)
The third deity: Demeter
Question 1: Besides Persephone, who was the goddess of the harvest?
Answer: Demeter.
Question 2: How was Demeter related to the change of seasons?
Sample Answer: Demeter’s daughter Persephone was abducted into the underworld. By some arrangement, Persephone could return and stay with Demeter for eight months every year. When Persephone went back to the underworld, Demeter was so sad that she caused plants to wither. It hence signified the end of autumn. When Persephone went back to her, Demeter was so glad that she caused plants to grow. It hence signified the start of spring. The cycle took place once a year.
(Source: the textbook and Encarta Encyclopedia)
Question 3: In “Mythology,” Edith Hamilton gives an account of Demeter’s stay at Eleusis. Why is the account significant? Please present your own view.
Sample Answer (just a sample answer): In my humble opinion, the account is significant because
1) It helps to show how grieved Demeter was about her loss. Distress so overwhelmed Demeter that she would not stay with gods at Olympus, nor would she at first reveal her true identity to humans.
2) It also brings the relationship between mortals and immortals to an intimate level. In the story, Demeter interacted with the family members of Peleus in a way a distraught woman would usually do.
3) It contains the issue of inevitability. Demeter offered to bathe Demophoon, Metaneira’s baby, with fires in order to make him immortal. It could have been successful had Metaneira not screamed at it in distrust. The goddess was upset as expected, although any sober woman would scream if she sees her infant child catch fire.
4) It might help either to explain the origin of the Eleusinian mysteries if the cult came first, or to pave the way for the mysteries if the myth came first.
Q:How to recognize " Zeus (Jupiter )" from a painting showing Greek Gods?
A:His right hand was holding a shepherd stick, anther hand was holding the thunderbolt that was his weapon, an eagle was at his side. That was Zeus.
Q:Who were the four famous girls that had love affairs with Zeus? And how they got involved with him?
A:Leda, Europa, Io, Danae, were the four girls. As to Leda Zeus transferred as a swan to attract her attention. To Europa, a bull. To Io , a patch of dense fog. To Danae, a golden rain.
Q:Who was Hera?
A:Hera was Zeus's wife and sister. The Titans Oceanus and Tethys brought her up. She was the protector of marriage, and married women were her peculiar care.
Q:Why Hera's peacock's tail has a lot eyes?
A:After Argus died. Hera took out his one hundred eyes, and stuck them on the tail of Hera's peacock.
From Aileen~(3/15)Poseidon
Question 1:Who was Poseidon?
Answer 1:He was the ruler of the sea,Zeus's bother and second only to him in eminence.
Question 2:Who was Poseidon's wife?
Answer 2:Amphitrite.
Question 3:What kind of the thing
he was always shown carrying?
Answer 3:He was always shown carrying his trident a three-pronged spear,which he would shake and shatter whatever he pleased.
Question 1. Due to Hamilton's mythology, which of the following names was not referred to Hades?
a.Death b.King of the Dead c. Dis d.Pluto
Answer: a
Question 2. What's the different view of Hades's realm, the underworld, between in Homer's and Vigil's perspectives?
Ans: In Homer the underworld is vague, a shadowy place inhabited by shadows, where nothing is real but like a miserable dream, while Vigil presented the idea of the underworld both clearly in geography and in function of the place, where the wicked are punished and the good rewarded.
Q1:Why do we have four seasons?
The story of Persephone’s abduction is traditionally referred to as the Rape of Persephone. Without Demeter’s attention to the earth, humankind would die. Therefore, Zeus negotiate with Hades about where Persephone would live.
In Spring, Demeter is preparing for Persephone’s arrival so everything is coming alive. In Fall, mother is closing the earth down to prepare for her to leave. Winter because Persephone is not on earth so there's only cold and barren. Through this loop, the four seasons were established.
Q2: What kind of fruit decided Persephone's fate?
A: pomegranate
Q3: What was Cerberus’ job in Hades’ world?
A: Cerberus, the three headed dog was believed to be the guardian of the realm of death, or Hades. Cerberus, it was believed, prevented those who crossed the river of death, Styx, from escaping.
Ruby said:
How many girls did Zeus fall in love with (besides Hera)? And how many children did Zeus have?
1. Aegina: Asopus’ daughter
She bore a child to Zeus: Aeacus
2. Alcmena: Amphitryon’s wife
She bore a child to Zeus: Hercules
3. Antiope: the princess of Thebes
She bore two children to Zeus: Zethus and Amphion
4. Callisto: the daughter of the king Lycaon. Hera changed her into a bear. (the Great Bear)
She bore a child to Zeus: Arcas (the Lesser Bear)
5. Danae: the daughter of the king Acrisius of Argos. Zeus became a shower of gold fall from sky on her. Then she was pregnant.
She bore a child to Zeus: Perseus who killed the Gorgons, Medusa.
6. Dione
7. Europa: the princess of Sidon. Zeus became a bull and took her to Crete.
She bore two children to Zeus: Minos and Rhadamanthus who became the judges of the dead.(two among the three judges)
8. Eurynome
She bore three daughters to Zeus: the Three Graces.
9. Hebe: Zeus changed himself into an eagle to approach her.
10. Io: Inachus’ daughter. Zeus hided Io and himself in a thick cloud. He changed Io into a white heifer to cheat Hera.
11. Leda: the wife of king Tyndareus of Sparta. Zeus changed himself a swan to approach her.
She bore two children to Zeus: Pollux and Helen (the heroine of Troy).
12. Leto (Latona)
She bore a twin to Zeus: Apollo and Diana
13. Maia: the daughter of Atlas; Vulcan’s wife.
She bore a child to Zeus: Hermes
14. Mnemosyne
She bore a daughter to Zeus: The Muses
15. Semele: Zeus swore by the Styx that anything she asked of him he would do. Semele wanted to see Zeus in his full splendor as King of Heaven and Lord of the Thunderbolt. After seeing, she died.
Zeus snatched from her her child and hid it in his side. Zeus born a child: Dionysus.
Ruby said:
How many girls did Zeus fall in love with (besides Hera)? And how many children did Zeus have?
1. Aegina: Asopus’ daughter
She bore a child to Zeus: Aeacus
2. Alcmena: Amphitryon’s wife
She bore a child to Zeus: Hercules
3. Antiope: the princess of Thebes
She bore two children to Zeus: Zethus and Amphion
4. Callisto: the daughter of the king Lycaon. Hera changed her into a bear. (the Great Bear)
She bore a child to Zeus: Arcas (the Lesser Bear)
5. Danae: the daughter of the king Acrisius of Argos. Zeus became a shower of gold fall from sky on her. Then she was pregnant.
She bore a child to Zeus: Perseus who killed the Gorgons, Medusa.
6. Dione
7. Europa: the princess of Sidon. Zeus became a bull and took her to Crete.
She bore two children to Zeus: Minos and Rhadamanthus who became the judges of the dead.(two among the three judges)
8. Eurynome
She bore three daughters to Zeus: the Three Graces.
9. Hebe: Zeus changed himself into an eagle to approach her.
10. Io: Inachus’ daughter. Zeus hided Io and himself in a thick cloud. He changed Io into a white heifer to cheat Hera.
11. Leda: the wife of king Tyndareus of Sparta. Zeus changed himself a swan to approach her.
She bore two children to Zeus: Pollux and Helen (the heroine of Troy).
12. Leto (Latona)
She bore a twin to Zeus: Apollo and Diana
13. Maia: the daughter of Atlas; Vulcan’s wife.
She bore a child to Zeus: Hermes
14. Mnemosyne
She bore a daughter to Zeus: The Muses
15. Semele: Zeus swore by the Styx that anything she asked of him he would do. Semele wanted to see Zeus in his full splendor as King of Heaven and Lord of the Thunderbolt. After seeing, she died.
Zeus snatched from her her child and hid it in his side. Zeus born a child: Dionysus.
Question 1:who are Zeus favorite children? why?
2.Because they were born by Zeus.
Question 2:Who is Artemis and what are she control ?
she is Apollo's twin sister, daughter of Zeus and Leto. She was oneof the three maiden goddesses of Olympus; Artemis, lover of woods and the wild chase over the mountains.
1Q: Who is Ares’ sister and why is she important?
A:1. She is ERIS (Goddess of Discord)
2. At Thetis ‘wedding, Eris, who had not been invited, threw out her golden apple of discord with the message that it was to be awarded the most beautiful. Three goddesses contended for it. Paris, a son of King Priam of Troy was selected to pick the most beautiful among Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite. Based on his choice, Aphrodite received the apple of discord.
2.Q: Are Cupid’s parents Aphrodite and Hephaestus?
A: No, they are Aphrodite and Ares.
3.Q: Who is the physically imperfect God?
A: Hephaestus. Despite of his imperfection, Hephaestus was the great Olympian god of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry and the art of sculpture.
Grace said…
1 What weapon was given to Perseus from Atena?
A: A shield that served as a mirror
2. Which is not Athena’s attributes?
a. the healer
b. the protector of agriculture
c. the embodiment of wisdom
d. “gray-eyed”
3.Which is not sacred to Athna?
a. the crow
b. the owl
c. the horse
d. the olive
1. What’s Apollo’s full name?
A : Phoebus Apollo
2.Where was Apollo’s oracle delivered?
A : Delphi
3. Who was also called ‘the Sun-God’ apart from Apollo?
A : Helios
Hermes (Mercury)
Q1. What makes Hermes the Master Thief?
A: When Hermes was only one day old, he already knew how to steal Apollo's cattle, hid them, and covered their tracks.
Q2. What makes Hermes easily distinguishable from other gods?
A: Hermes has a low-crowned hat with wings, a pair of winged sandals, and a magic wand named Caduceus.
Q3. What did Hermes invent the lyre from?
A: Tortoise's shell. (Note: Tortoise is also Hermes' symbol)
Artemis (Diana)
Q1. Why is Artemis also called Cynthia?
A: The name derived from her birthplace, Mt. Cynthus.
Q2. What are Artemis' sacred animals?
A: All wild animals, but deer out of all wild animals are especially sacred to her.
Q3. Who is Artemis' twin brother?
A: Apollo, though in some myths claim that Artemis was born nine days before Apollo.
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