A l v i n ... ... 關於…這週課堂上,下課前 5 min…困擾您的Noah's Ark 到底是幾對:善物? 惡物? 如果依 手邊的英文版Bible… 嗯!是…七對善(clean) 二對惡(unclean) 雖然,我不懂上帝給的…這些動物的數字概念? 七善二惡? 對人類生存於地球上有何其幫助? 而又暗喻著啥麼? Lucky number? or bad number ?or 樂透 NO. 先前David老師(牧師),也沒有特別對這節詳述…… 呵! 可能我們也都覺的這並不是挺重要的吧…^_^ 原諒我吧上帝…阿們! PS深愛圖像記憶法的我,覺得您那本圖很美的Bible超棒... 正點極了!刹時吸引了我的高度注意…哈哈! 星期二早晨全清醒了!
1.How did the serpent convince the woman to eat the fruit?
A:"you will not surely die,"the serpent said to the woman "For God knows that when you eat of it your eye will be opened and you will be like God,knowing good and evil."
2.How did God punish the woman?
A:I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband,and he will rule over you.
3.How did the God punish the serpent?
A:Caused are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals. You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the day of your life and I will put enmity between you and the woman and betweeen your offspring and hers. He will crush your head,and you will strike his heel.
questions to Ge 19:1-29 from Daphne: 1. Who were sent to speak to Abraham? two angels. 2. What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah? homosexuality was the primary sin. 3. What was not allowed to do when Lot, his wife and his two daughters ran away? look back toward the city
1.How many days before Load send rain on the earth? =>Seven days.(Ge7-4) 2.What were in the ark? =>a.Noah and his family b.seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate c.two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate d.seven of every kind of bird, male and female(Ge7-1~3) 3.What did Noah send to see if the water had receded? =>Raven and dove.(Ge8-6~12) 4.How many animals and birds were in the ark? =>30(Ge7-1~3)
A l v i n ... ...
關於…這週課堂上,下課前 5 min…困擾您的Noah's Ark
到底是幾對:善物? 惡物?
如果依 手邊的英文版Bible…
嗯!是…七對善(clean) 二對惡(unclean)
雖然,我不懂上帝給的…這些動物的數字概念? 七善二惡?
對人類生存於地球上有何其幫助? 而又暗喻著啥麼?
Lucky number? or bad number ?or 樂透 NO.
呵! 可能我們也都覺的這並不是挺重要的吧…^_^
PS深愛圖像記憶法的我,覺得您那本圖很美的Bible超棒... 正點極了!刹時吸引了我的高度注意…哈哈!
Dear Mei-ling,
Mimi said
1.How did the serpent convince the woman to eat the fruit?
A:"you will not surely die,"the serpent said to the woman "For God knows that when you eat of it your eye will be opened and you will be like God,knowing good and evil."
2.How did God punish the woman?
A:I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband,and he will rule over you.
3.How did the God punish the serpent?
A:Caused are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals.
You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the day of your life and I will put enmity between you and the woman and betweeen your offspring and hers. He will crush your head,and you will strike his heel.
Dear Mimi,
Dear Mandy,
questions to Ge 19:1-29 from Daphne:
1. Who were sent to speak to Abraham?
two angels.
2. What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?
homosexuality was the primary sin.
3. What was not allowed to do when Lot, his wife and his two daughters ran away?
look back toward the city
1.How many days before Load send rain on the earth?
=>Seven days.(Ge7-4)
2.What were in the ark?
=>a.Noah and his family
b.seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate
c.two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate
d.seven of every kind of bird, male and female(Ge7-1~3)
3.What did Noah send to see if the water had receded?
=>Raven and dove.(Ge8-6~12)
4.How many animals and birds were in the ark?
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